Activities Administrator

Developing and Implementing Emergency Action Plans: 
Facilitator Guide for Activities Administrators 
Athletic director


The Activities Administrator must oversee and coordinate Anyone Can Save A Life for their school’s programs. However, they may want to enlist the help of others (a Program Champion) to oversee the training and implementation of the program. This Program Champion could be the school athletic trainer, school nurse, coach, community member or a school administrator who knows the inner workings of the athletic and activities program.

Implementation Checklist for Activities Administrators

Create Your Emergency Action Plan

Emergencies go hand-in-hand with after-school participation, so it is not a matter of if one will happen; it’s a matter of when. By having an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in place for life-threatening events, you are preparing your school community to respond immediately to get the help that is needed.
Get Started

Save lives with a simple protocol including:

Calling 911 to alert the Emergency Medical System (EMS)
Early Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Easy access to and quick use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Easy transition 
to Emergency Medical System (EMS)

I love the Anyone Can Save A Life program.  It is thorough and easy for anyone to understand the implement.  With this program, I know that everyone is on the same page; all teams have an emergency response plan and are ready if the unexpected happens. It goes over very well with people at all levels, administration, coaching staff, and student athletes.  It is also detailed enough that it can be implemented at off-site locations.  When our coaches and students know the importance of an EAP, they feel empowered and more confident to manage life-threatening situations. They also know what to look for to prepare themselves not only at a home even, but when they are the visitors as well.

The real stories and examples that are provided in the ACSAL material are extremely helpful reminders to the medical professional and the lay person that regular practice, review and preparation are essential to keep everyone safe.

—Jenna Arnold, ATC