Emergency Action Plans

Creating an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for athletic events and practices is an essential step in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of athletes and coaches.
An EAP is a comprehensive strategy that outlines the necessary steps to respond effectively to various emergencies, such as injuries and medical conditions. It serves as a proactive roadmap, helping to minimize risks and provide timely and appropriate assistance when emergencies occur. 
Whether you're an activities administrator, coach, or site personnel, understanding and implementing an EAP is a vital part of your commitment to safety and preparedness.

Follow the steps below to create your Emergency Action Plan.

Step 1: Complete a Site Assessment

Determine how long it will take a member of your team or staff to access the closest AED.

  • If this takes more than three minutes, you should work with your district health and safety team to assess the need for a more accessible AED for your site.

Step 2: Consider Locations of AEDs

Consider these additional factors when choosing locations for your school’s AEDs:

  • AEDs must be accessible whenever the building is occupied - do not lock them up
  • Size and layout of the buildings and fields
  • Visibility of the AEDs
  • Proximity to highest population areas
  • Physical or security barriers
  • Communication options
  • Onsite medical personnel, such as school nurse or athletic trainer
  • Availability of AEDs during after-school functions

Step 3: Establish a Communication Plan

Creating a consistent plan to activate EMS is critical. Ensure the following information is posted in each venue or available to those who are activating EMS:

  • The street address and directions to guide EMS
  • Location of the nearest AED

Step 4: Create an EAP for Your Team/Venue

  • View the "How to Create an Emergency Action Plan" video.
  • Use one of the two methods below to create and save your EAP.
  • Ensure that each team has access to their EAP response protocol for each venue in which they practice or compete.

There Are Two Ways to Create Your Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

1. Using the Fillable PDF
Use the fillable PDF linked here to complete your EAP.  Keep a copy of the completed EAP accessible at all times.  Putting it in your medical kit, on your clipboard or in another easily accessible location is suggested. 
2. Completing the Online EAP
Complete the online, fillable EAP.  After completing the form you can print it or save as a PDF to store electronically on your mobile device or computer. 


Step 5: Practice Your EAP

Each coach should conduct a drill at least once a year using the following steps:

  • Schedule the drill early in the season
  • Ensure the plan has been reviewed and jobs assigned prior to the drill
  • When practicing the drill, it is best to do it when people are not planning on it, as that will allow for more actual response
  • Review the outcomes after the drill has taken place; some areas to cover in the review
    • Check-in to see how each person felt about the drill
    • Review any action steps that need to be addressed
    • Were there any communication problems?